Social Media Strategy
Do you still not have a well-cultivated social media strategy for your company?
Maybe you’re questioning your current strategy in terms of your business goals and wondering if you’re using the right measures? Are you unsure about the necessity of up-and-coming channels like LinkedIn or TikTok?
Is social media still uncharted territory for you and your company?
In today’s world, a sustainable and efficient strategy is more important than ever. Facebook was founded in 2004, YouTube in 2005, Instagram in 2010 and Twitter in 2006. With over 2.9 billion people within the Facebook App family alone (Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram), over 100 million business profiles worldwide, and a sophisticated advertising infrastructure, you’d think that Facebook would be a no-brainer in the marketing universe. Or maybe YouTube, with over 2 billion users, LinkedIn with over 700 million users, or the rising social media star, TikTok? However, that’s definitely not the case and many companies don’t understand all the ins and outs of these channels – not to mention, all the potential that lies within social media as marketing platforms, lead generators, reputation boosters and even sales channels.
But if you’re thinking about entering the world of social media, your strategy needs to be well-planned and thought out. Simply setting up a Facebook page or Twitter channel and publishing content without regular reviews and criticism is no longer enough in today's digital world. With the amount of content that’s available, yours needs to stand out from the crowd.
Long story short, if you’re working without a strategy that’s based on clearly defined corporate goals, you won’t get very far. That’s why it’s important to keep your eyes on the goal - otherwise you’ll miss the target.
Thomas Hutter is founder and CEO of Hutter Consult AG and partner at MYTY Group. He is one of the pioneers in meta marketing and known as the "Facebook guru" of the first hour. As one of the most renowned meta marketing experts in German-speaking countries, he advises large and medium-sized companies, organizations and agencies.
He laid the foundation for Hutter Consult AG with the blog, which was founded in 2009 and is still considered one of the most important resources on current developments in Facebook and social media marketing in the German-speaking world.
In the last 11 years, he has already passed on his knowledge to well over 2000 people in seminars and teaching modules at universities of applied sciences as a lecturer or seminar leader at various seminar providers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. At many popular conferences in the industry you can meet him live and in color as a speaker and mentor.
If all that is not enough, the workaholic spends his time in the offline world with cigars and rum - preferably in combination with his Jacuzzi, extensive barbecues or time with his two daughters and his Dog Cliff.
Thomas Besmer, auch liebevoll «Besmo» genannt, ist ein alter Hase im digitalen Geschäft – bereits seit 2005 mischt er in der Branche kräftig mit und verzeichnet in seiner Vita Stationen bei AZ Direct, CSS Versicherungen, Farner Consulting und Comparis, bevor er im Dezember 2017 zur Hutter Consult gestossen ist. Hier übernimmt 'Besmo' in seiner Funktion als Managing Partner / Partner MYTY Group eine umfassende Beratungstätigkeit mit Schwerpunkt Analysen, das Business Development sowie den weiteren Ausbau der Agenturleistungen.
Als zweifacher Familienvater wird es ihm nie langweilig. Ob nun Duplo-Eisenbahnen bauen oder stundenlang baggern. Ja baggern - du hast richtig gelesen. Für Programm nach der Arbeit ist und wird gesorgt. Und auch wenn die ruhigen Minuten deutlich weniger wurden, geniesst er jeden Moment mit der Familie. Die er teilweise auch in seinem Podcast «Die Mustergatten» teilt.
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